Few days back I painted this piece. Well, while painting I did not think of anything; I was just spilling colors. Finally this was the result. After finishing I started gazing at it. It was then that a realization struck me. Ain't it representing the present situation?
The door is shut.
While we are locked inside our houses, the nature- trees, flowers, forests. rocks etc. has started blooming. It appears to be more glowing, dancing in its glory.....
It seems as if they have finally started to breathe.
Ain't it funny that the most intellectual creatures are destroying their own home?
I realized the ruination caused by us in the last three decades or so....
How we've become a part of the consumerist culture. How we've entered into a competition where we constantly try to outshine others and in the process, we forget how much pain we inflict upon us and eventually how we have painted the once colorful world in the shade of grey....
Maybe this pandemic was meant to happen....
- Hridi